Five Inspirational Decking Designs

Five Inspirational Decking Designs

With Summer nearly upon us, it is time to revamp your garden with a new deck, a deck that stands out and will be the envy of all your friends and neighbours. With each passing Summer being the hottest on record, it is definitely time to think about soaking up as much Vitamin D as your body can handle.

We've been giving a lot of thought to our favourite deck designs, here's our top five deck patterns:

Picture Frame
Decking Design - Picture Frame BorderFirst up is a traditional but reliably great-looking pattern. The picture framing boarder of the decking really rounds off a job well done. Used for horizontally, vertically or diagonally laid boards, the frame acts as a beautiful border to highlight the deck features. You could try using a different colour for the border, especially for horizontal or vertical patterns to set it apart from the main area. You can also increase the number of boards wide of the boarder on larger decking areas.

The Chevron
Decking Design - Chevron PatternSecondly, give your decking pride of place in your garden running alternate diagonal sections within your decking area to create a fantastic chevron effect that will certainly get the neighbours talking. If you're feeling a little creative with the landscaping of your garden, you could vary the colours of each chevron or section which can make for some great eye candy during the Summer BBQs.

Decking Design - Patchwork PatternLaying alternate squared sections of vertical and horizontal boards gives a brilliant patchwork effect. This is a favourite of ours and many British homes which install square or rectangular decks. If you are feeling brave you could attempt to use this pattern within deck which use non-conventional shapes. Be certain to plan this out ahead of time to ensure you are able to keep continuity throughout the deck.

Diamond Frames
Decking Design - Diamond PatternFor many the decking is the jewel in the crown in their rejuvenated garden. Why not show it off with a diamond design to break up the vertical or horizontal pattern. Choose an alternate colour to make up the diamond, make the relevant cuts (a simple 45-degree angle is easiest) and lay it amongst your regular deck pattern.

Pattern Break
Decking Design - Pattern BreakBreak up the usual run of deck boards by throwing in a line of boards running perpendicular to the main style. This really breaks up the pattern in a smart way and is amazingly easy to pull off. The different areas can indicate various 'living zones' on your deck, such as the lounge area, BBQ zone, etc. Whether you choose to use an alternate colour or the same, this pattern is dynamic.

So there you go, our top five designs which we hope will inspire you to revisit that decking project you've been putting on the back-burner. Switch up your old timber decking or build yourself the new one you've always been promising to do.

These are our top five decking designs for your garden, but our composite decking has been used to create a range of other beautiful designs. If you're feeling particularly bold then feel free to experiment with specific and unique designs such as the below.

The Compass
Decking Design - CompassMade from three different colours this labour of love is not for the feint of heart, but turns a deck into a showstopper. If you have a favourite decking design that we've missed then please let us know, we're always keen to receive your pictures!

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