What is Plastic Wood and Lumber?

What is Plastic Wood and Lumber?

With production of plastics increasing year on year, we are finally starting to see some fantastic projects and products designed to reduce the amount that ends up in landfills and in our oceans. With this in mind many people are turning to recycled products in areas you might not have thought of. Our range of Manticore Plastic Lumber not only uses recycled plastic but also helps to reduce deforestation.











You might not have thought about using plastic wood and lumber before, but with the added benefits of being durable, stable, resistant to weather, rot and mildew (without chemical pressure-treatment) as well as being environmentally friendly, it is a great alternative to wood.

It is these properties that make it an ideal option for very wet or damp areas such as on piers, areas with poor drainage, board walks and around swimming pools or ponds. Whereas a timber product may need replacing every 5-7 years as it begins to rot, plastic lumber will continue to be solid for a life time. So if you do plan on using composite decking why install it on a material that has a life span a less than a 1/3 of the decking when plastic lumber is available.

Manticore Lumber is a plastic wood alternative made from 100% recycled plastic, using plastic waste that is unusable in conventional recycling processes. Saving these materials from landfill, giving them value and recycling them into a long life product, which can again be recycled in the future and provides a harmonious solution to sustainable living.

More and more people are turning to plastic lumber for their decking substructures. The products are workable with conventional carpentry tools and are low-maintenance allowing for your traditional tradesmen to install with ease. Manticore Lumber can also be used for a wide range of products from your classic substructures to benches, gates, bollards, walkways, fencing and planters to name but a few. Click here to see our complete range of lumber, benches and bollards.

We offer a free quotation service to help you work out your substructures for Cladding and Decking requirements. Once our plastic lumber is installed you can rest easy in the knowledge that you are covered by our 10 year warranty, that no trees were cut down and it is maintenance free (there is no need to treat or protect).

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