Composite Decking Installation: Step-by-Step Tutorial

Composite Decking Installation: Step-by-Step Tutorial

If you’re looking to install the perfect decking for your home, EnviroBuild is here to help. With our top-tips, recommendations and a step-by-step tutorial, you can ensure a quality finish with ease. More detailed information on figuring out the amount of Hyperion composite decking required can be found in our installation guide, along with the use of our handy online decking calculator.

    • When planning your project, allow 5% extra material for wastage.
    • For diagonal decking allow 15% extra material due to increased wastage.
    • Ensure that the joists supporting your decking are spaced no more than 30 cm apart, allowing for doubled joists where butt joints may be necessary.
    • Pre-drill 3 mm pilot holes in the case of Hyperion Decking Secure Screws.
    • Use our starter fasteners in order to install the first board accurately, after which we recommend our hidden fasteners for fast and secure installation with no visible screws.
    • Make sure to leave a suitable gap at the butt joints to allow for expansion.
    • When trimming to size for the deck edge, use a straight board in order to guide your circular saw. This will give a crisper edge to the decking.
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